Hello Pastor John,
I appreciate all of the information that you have on your websites and your live streams. I have a few questions for you: Are there any other gatherings in the world like yours that preaches the truth and speaks of the Holy Spirit? What if one decide to move to a different part of the country, what should they do? Where should they meet? Where can they find a group that is teaching the truth?
Thank you so much. I hope to hear from you soon.
Debbie O.
Hi Debbie.
I am asked this question now and then, and I wish I could tell you all that there are hundreds of places where the truth is taught. But if they are out there, I cannot find them. It’s sad because there is nothing wrong with the truth of Christ, and yet, God’s own people seem to despise it. They join churches; they sing songs; they pray; they perform ceremonies; they evangelize for their various sects; but they will not confess the truth and obey it. They avoid the truth as if it were sin itself.
So, the answer to your question is that I know of no other congregation where you can go to worship. I know some people here and there who love God enough to be happy with His Son’s truth, but I don’t know of any other group like ours, where God has brought some people together in love of the truth. I very much wish I did know of them; I would try to visit them myself!
Take care. I hope all goes well, wherever you go.
Pastor John