I’ve read your pamphlet Speaking in Tongues at Holy Ghost Baptism and found it heartening to know someone believes the truth about this topic besides me. The church where I was introduced to the baptism was in Ohio, and it closed when the pastor died. Now I live in Hendersonville, NC. I’ve tried to introduce the subject to others in Hendersonville, but with few exceptions, it is falling on non-receiving ears. Can you recommend a church in the Hendersonville (or maybe Asheville) area where your views are taught? The churches in Hendersonville that do believe in tongues as evidence of Holy Spirit baptism have little understanding on how He works, and all I see is a lot of people “playing” and “pretending” to exercise the gifts without knowing what really pleases God or how to be led by Him. I’d appreciate your guidance.
Jane S.
Hendersonville, NC
Hi Jane.
I am thankful to the Lord Jesus that you were edified by reading our booklet on Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism. I don’t know of any church that teachers the truth about the holy Ghost baptism (I wish I knew a thousand of them!), so I can’t recommend any church. A right understanding of the baptism of the Spirit is critical to understanding everything rightly in the kingdom of God because the baptism of the Spirit is the new birth. Church religion as a whole is wrong, and is to be avoided, because the church world does not understand that when a person is baptized with the holy Ghost, that person is born of God.
So, you answer your question, in my judgment, you will be better off spiritually to stay home with Jesus and not go to any church. From what I have seen, though God has many precious souls within their walls, no church anywhere is of God, and in time, they all quiet the holy Spirit that really is in some of their members with their traditions and doctrines contrary to the truth. This is why God is calling to His children, “Come of out her [the religious system of Christianity], my people!”
Thank you for writing. I wish you well as you trust Jesus to guide you into all truth. And please feel free to keep in touch with any comments of questions you may have.
Pastor John