Coming Out in Scotland

Pastor John, 

I left Christianity 25 years ago and have not fellowship with another follower of Jesus since.  I came across your website and it was wonderful to read about your journey out.  Thank you.


Scotland, UK


Hi William. 

Thank you for your recent email.  People in various places ask me at times if I know of a congregation near them like what they see/hear in the assembly here.  I wish I knew of thousands of such places!  However, though we have searched diligently, we have found only individuals, not groups, who have heard the call of Jesus to come out to where he is.  So, I understand your comments. 

You can watch our meetings live online.  If you want to, let me know, and I will give your email address to brother Stuart Hiser, who takes care of that.

God bless you and yours!  And please stay in touch.  We’d love to know more of your story.

Your servant, 
