Coming Out

I read with interest the article “Christ and Christianity.”

I am happy to inform you that I love reading your writings, particularly that concerning “Coming out of Christianity”.  It makes sense on the basis of what you have mentioned, for after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, after a very short while, I began to change and see vividly that it is not true Christianity in the Churches, it is a showy business. It is excellent to be a servant and disciple of Jesus, but do I have to remain outside a church all my life? I already have left the church whatsoever, and do not attend a church.Please I need your advice. Also I would appreciate it if you would provide me with a copy of your “Why I Left Christianity”.

Thank you and Jesus bless you.

Sincerely in Jesus name,

A. S. M.

July 18, 2010


Dear Friend:

Your sincere question, “Do I have to remain outside a church all my life?” suggests that you still do not fully understand that the Church is an evil institution. Those who really see Christianity for what it is say instead, “Praise God!  He has delivered me from church religion!”

My advice to you is the same as the advice I have given to others:  If you have heard the call of Jesus to come out of the Babylon of Christianity, you are doing just fine where you are.  Stay close to Jesus, and he will put you together with others who are of like mind and heart.

Doing the will of God and pleasing Him is far simpler than you know, but you will find it out if you continue following after what is right in His sight!

God bless you and yours.
Pastor John