Name: Roger S
comments: Hello sir, I am a person who has listened to you tracks and read brochures, which i gotten through isaiah 58 broad cast on you tube. I would like tosay i would love to hear more of your preaching or even downlaod them from your website. I am from a pentacostal back ground and believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
but today i have a question for you. On one of your tracks you talk about a siming contradiction with ephesians 2:8-9 were you explain that its the law
but i really want us to look at these scriptures. cause to me james is preaching a completly different doctrine than that of Paul. and not just out of the book of james, but also in acts were James tells Paul to go cleanse him self for telling jews to not get circumscised.
the scriptures are james 2:17-24 and romans 4:2-12 also i am looking at
romans 4:5 were it says aperson with out works is still justified by faith. lastly to comment on acts 21:17-25
this really bothers me. cause Paul did teach many times that if you justify yourself with the law you have made Christ of no effect. Paul did preach no circumscision, but circumscison of the heart.
its if the jewish Christians still carried on doing the the laws, the feasts the sabaths etc , which Paul said was a shaddow pointing to Christ. I see 2 doctrines here one to the jews and one to the gentiles. but if Paul had the Holy Spirit why would James ask hm to go to the temple and be purified? james was still preaching jewish customs when Paul said Hey jews or greeks there is no difference any more we are united by the same spirit.
I need your help on this,
You answered your own question, Roger. There were two gospels. Paul acknowledged that reality in Galatians. He called them “the gospel of the circumcision” and the gospel of the uncircumcision”. Paul taught the gentiles that they were justified without the works of the law, but he did not teach the jews that doctrine. On the contrary, he told the Gentiles that whoever was circumcised was duty-bound to keep the whole law (Galatians, again). That is why Paul, being Jewish, submitted to James’ request that he carry out some works of the law when Paul was among the Jewish believers in Jerusalem.
and last question, is the ten commandments the old covenant? and if it is, were the ten done away with to make way for the new? i would love to hear your opnion on that as well.
The holy ghost writes the law of God on our hearts, the same law that God gave to Moses. None of God’s commandments were destroyed, including the ten commandments. They were all established as being of God by being written by the Spirit on our hearts when we received the Spirit.
thanks and God Bless and my address is xxxxxxxxxx
if you have more tracks i would love to hear them or any sermons
i have come out of babylon, christ and christianity, keys of the kingdom, the true sabbath, speaking in tongues/baptism of the holy Ghost. a few more cant think of them now thanks again God Bless
Thank you, Brother Roger. Stay in touch!
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