Satisfied by Jesus

Dear Pastor John,

In reading your material on your website, I’ve come to the conclusion that you take the bible quite literally. Don’t think I can do that, as it leaves me with some serious unanswered questions. Maybe you can answer them though.

If Adam was created and entertained God for a time, which appears to be the case since God saw that it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, did God add to Adam testicles when He created Eve? I can’t see Adam needing those body parts before Eve was created, unless there were other humans (maybe Cro-magnon or Neandertals) on earth.

And there probably were other humans on the planet before Adam, so Adam really wasn’t the first “man”. Who did Adam and Eve’s sons marry and start families with? Their sisters? And who was Cain afraid would kill him when he was banished? Certainly it should be obvious that there were other humans before Adam and Eve were created.

Also, if God has a body, such as we do (created in His image), then that would mean God has limits to His being, even if His body is spiritual. How could God be everywhere, if He has body parts? That doesn’t make any sense to me, but who can know God? Do you really believe what the bible says about God’s appearance? If we were created in His image (with a head, arms, legs, torso, etc.), then apparently the apes were too! I think the bible meant something else. What makes more sense to me is that, possibly, God is the dimension that encompasses and gives existence to all other dimensions. Our existence is composed of those dimensions that we and our universe are constrained to. In such a scenario, God is everywhere at all times, and yet we are separated from God by those constraints that He dictated. And His son is the dimension by which we can be joined to God. Not sure how Jesus became man, but by God’s infinite power and wisdom. I just cannot see a God-figure sitting on a throne in heaven with another by his side.

Maybe you have some insights into these questions and points of view?

Your humble servant,



Hi, Ed.

Thank you for writing. I understand your questions and can certainly see your point of view.

There are many questions that can be raised concerning things that God has not revealed to us. Understanding and living according to what He has revealed pretty much consumes all my time. As Moses said, the hidden things belong to God, but the things that He has revealed belong to us and to our children, so that we may learn to walk in His ways (Dt. 29:29). That is my life’s purpose.

What can satisfy intelligent, inquisitive minds such as yours is an overwhelming personal experience with God, and Jesus made that experience – the baptism of the holy Ghost – possible by his sacrificial death. In John 4:14, he told the woman at the well (whose confidence and openness I would compare with yours) that if someone drinks of his spiritual water, they would be so satisfied that they would never thirst again.

The new birth experience (the holy Ghost baptism) will not answer all your questions, Ed, but it can satisfy your soul so that you know (1) that what God has revealed is true and (2) that He has a good and wise purpose for keeping the rest to Himself. Without Jesus’ soul-satisfying drink of the Spirit, however, we are left with nothing but human logic and our own reasonings, and frankly, I consider that to be a condition worse than death.

If you are looking for God’s perfect answer to the multitude of man’s unanswerable questions, there it is, and I sincerely hope you receive it. If so, you will never thirst again.

Your servant in Christ Jesus,

Pastor John