Pastor John,
I was reading your translation of Philippians and noticed something in chapter 2. Am I understanding this correctly, that Paul referred to Epaphraditus as an apostle? Here is the verse, as you translated it:
Phip. 2:25. I thought it necessary to send you my fellow laborer and soldier, Brother Epaphraditus, your apostle, and a minister to my needs ….
Hi Wendell:
The definition of the word “apostle” is “one who has been sent (with something)”. Epaphraditus had been sent by the saints in Philippi to help Paul, financially and otherwise. Note that later on in the same letter, Paul wrote, “I am full, having received from Epaphraditus the things you sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God” (Phip. 4:18). So, yes, Epaphraditus was an apostle of the congregation in Philippi, having been sent by those saints to help Paul.
Others are called apostles in the New Testament, about whom we know almost nothing, such as Andronicus and Junia, mentioned in Romans 16:7 (and Junia is a woman’s name!) Titus and some other brothers whom Paul sent to Corinth are also called apostles (2Cor. 8:23). Barnabas is called an apostle in Acts 14:14, and Jesus himself is called an apostle in Hebrews 3:1 because, of course, he was sent by God to us.
Pastor John