The Third Kind of Soil

Hi, Pastor John.

I’m sure the lot of us have been reading and listening to the Slander readings and manuscripts. In one recording from the beach, it was said that the “Four kinds of soils” is the most important parable. I can only speak of myself, but the third type of soil is very sobering to any of us that have been around a while. We want to bear fruit and we want to be planted in good soil. We don’t want to be among the slanderers or let foolishness abound in our hearts.

I have a question; maybe others have the same question, and I’m sure you have been asked in the past about this question. We may think you’re okay and doing well, but Jesus weighs the hearts and actions. We may think we know Jesus and may have been around for years, but we read about those in Revelation whom Jesus speaks about “I never knew you”, who have done miracles and mighty works.

My question: If one is in the third type of soil can they be replanted into good soil and bear good fruit? Or, are they “reserved” for the lake of fire no matter what?

I know you preached on Livestream that sincerity is an answer for slander, but if you have slandered someone, is there hope, or, once reserved, always reserved for damnation?

Love always,



Hi Billy.

All such things are in God’s hands, and I have to believe that, as the saying goes, as long as there is life, there is hope. I think that Solomon said something like that, too, in Ecclesiastes.

Billy, a person can commit a sin without being classified as a sinner. A sinner is someone who lives continually in sin, but even a righteous person can grow weak in spirit and commit a sin (and repenting for it). So, a person could be caught in a weak moment and commit a slander (and repent for it), but that would not make him and a “slanderer” because he doesn’t live that way all the time.

God is able to heal and forgive anybody, even an unwise person who has become a slanderer, but I would not want to be one and then hope He would heal and forgive me.

Hope this answers your question.

Pastor John