Still A Child?

Dear John David Clark, Sr.

Hi and God Bless You,

I had to stop reading your book Speaking in Tongues at Spirit Baptism just to say thank you sooo much. Page 11, 12 and 13 — I experienced this when I was about 30 years old. [But in time], I ran back into the world. Before then, I was reading and obeying everything in the Bible. My question to you is once we receive the Spirit (God’s breath of life blowing on us), and the voice of the spirit heard, can it ever be taken away? I’d like to know that I am still a child of GOD even-though I went back out into the world.


You are still a child of God even if you turned away from His righteousness. However, if you continue in sin, you will be disinherited at the Final Judgment. No one but God can take away God’s gift to you.


I have been reading my Bible a lot and praying for the last 7 years. Also I am trying to learn how to fight evil spirits. Any suggestions on that?

Love, Peace and Joy
Marie L


Sister Marie,

Just stay filled with the Spirit, and nothing else can enter in.

God bless,
Pastor John