Hating God

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I need Prayer… Pray I can help others in hating God and themselves!

Jacob F


Hi Jacob.

Nobody who knows God hates Him.  He is too humble, sweet, and generous to hate.  An old preacher named Frank Griffith once said in a sermon, “People say holiness stinks.  Holiness don’t stink.  The devil gets in between them and God and HE stinks!”  Immediately after Brother Frank said that, he was healed of a very bad disease that he had suffered with for while.

The key for people is to know the true God.  The people who think that they hate God are only hating the God they think He is, not the God He really is.  If we can show people what kind of spirit God really has, if we can show them His goodness, they will be more likely to love Him.  At least, they will finally have a chance.

Pastor John