Human Sympathy Will Do What?

RE: Solomon’s Wisdom excerpt, December 4, 2020: “Human sympathy will send you to hell.”

Okay…I wonder if you expected a few of your flock to not understand this?  

Well, I’m stepping up to admit that Allie and I can’t figure it out, no matter which way we try to see it.

First, we assume that you’re talking about sinners (humans) sympathizing with saints (us)…

…if my daughter (a mere human) was sympathetic to me when I was ill in bed, why would her sympathy send ME to hell?

Anyway, we tried to see it from different angles and don’t get it.



Hi there, Brad!

Thanks for the question.

Nothing, including sin, will send you to hell if you live above it.  The meaning of that excerpt from Solomon’s Wisdom is that if we depend on human sympathy, it will lead us into hell.  My father once said, “I’m more afraid of this thing people call love than anything I know of.”  Human love will send us to hell – if we don’t live above it.  The apostles’ human love for Jesus would have prevented him from going to the cross to die for their sins.  Peter even pulled out his sword and attacked the ones who came to arrest Jesus.

Everything human (“in the flesh” as Paul would say it) is worthless to our souls.  Anything human, then, can send us to hell if we don’t live above it: human love; human sympathy; human friendships (that is enmity against God); human relatives; human opinions; etc.  You name it.

I hope that clears things up.

Non-humanly yours,

Pastor John