G’day Sir,

In your study guide there is a lot of preaching and not a lot of teaching.You have not convinced me that tithing is New Testament.
Abraham gave Melchizedek one tenth of the spoils of a battle.This I believe was a freewill offering,not one that was required by any law or under any compulsion.He did not even keep the remaining.
Jacob’s offer to tithe,I believe, was also a freewill offering.The problem I see here is that he wanted to trade.If God does such and such,then I will do so and so.
I am certainly not against tithing.I have tithed in my local church(you may not approve)for some years.It seems to me now that I need to offer from a willing heart.This may or may not mean tithing.It could be less,it could be more.Because of the New Covenant,I am not under the Law.
Have you something from the New Testament that helps me understand that my current thinking is wrong?

Steve H


No, Steve, apparently I do not.

God bless.

Pastor John