Lev 26:19–20

Good morning, 

I hope you are having a sweet time soaking in the Son! 

I just finished reading Leviticus 26.  Whew!  It is sobering and terrifying, and it left me so full of thankfulness. 

I read verse 10, and I thought about us, and how much food we have.  I recently had a sister send me something of ours to read (The Jerusalem Council) and I thought, “Oh, I want to start it, but first, I am reading in the OT, and then I want to get back to [the character] Uzziel!”  Brother Gary is getting new songs every day; we have the Thoughts for Today, Random Thoughts, Thoughts for the Evening.  Then add to that all the books we have, and will have.  It was sweet naming them out to Jesus this morning.  And at any time, Jesus can give us something new throughout the day!  We have so much food! 

To really look at how much we have been given and then read Leviticus 26 is sobering and terrifying.  How much more angry than that would God feel, after His Son died for us to have all we have, if we do not walk in that light!  I just keep feeling that God is serious about what He has given us.  Especially after seeing my mother recently, and seeing that evil spirit so alive in her dying body.  Recently you spoke of the demons Jesus drove away from us when he gave us the holy ghost coming back to see if there is an open door in our hearts.  How sobering! 

In Leviticus 26, God’s said he would send His people fleeing in terror when no one pursues, and that they would flee at the sound of a leaf shaking.  I read that, and it hit me how much Jesus has done for us.  The peace, and the rest we have because we have a clear conscience before God.  Reading this morning made me remember the days when I did not have peace, dreading the morning sun to come up.  I lived under nothing but anxiety and fear, drugging myself to try and outrun and numb those feelings.  Peace is something I could not give myself.

From Leviticus 26:11. “And I will put my tabernacle in your midst, and my soul will not abhor you.”

I never thought of God having a soul.  I assume that is just another way of saying that He will not abhor them, but it struck me that He said “soul”.


Yes, Beth, God has a soul.  We were created in. his image.


What does does “skies like iron and land like bronze”  mean? 

Lev. 26:19. And I will break your mighty pride. And I will make your skies like iron and your land like bronze,

20. and your strength will be spent in vain, and your land will not yield its produce, and the tree of the land will not bear its fruit.


It means that there will be no rain and that the ground will become very hard and unproductive.

Pastor John


Thank you,

Beth D.