I read your article* about evidence, ie, speaking in tongues, to receive salvation. I’m very curious to know why you didn’t capitalize Holy. you say “holy Spirit”. that is not biblical. all thru King James translation & others Holy is capitalized. start w John 14:26. Jesus spoke those words “the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost”??
Hello Michael.
Thank you for your good question.
In the original documents of the New Testament, there were no small Greek letters at all. Every letter was capital. Small Greek letters were introduced in the 8th and 9th centuries, and from that point on, it was the writer’s choice, to use or not to use capital letters with some words. In the Greek New Testament that has come down to us, names of people and places are capital, along with the beginning of sentences, but not much else. Even the words, “God”, “Son of God”, and “Spirit” are not capitalized in the Greek text. Most modern writers, including myself, capitalize those words out of respect for God and His Son, as well as for God’s Spirit.
We do not capitalize such adjectives as “holy” because there is no need to do so. Simply capitalizing “Spirit” lets the Reader know that God’s Spirit is being talked about. We don’t capitalize the word “holy” when speaking of our “holy God” or the “holy Son of God”, and there is no good reason to capitalize “holy” when speaking of the “holy Spirit”.
I hope that clears up that matter for you. It is a small matter, though, compared to the message in my article, that the baptism of the holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, is the new birth. Did you have any thoughts about that?
Thank you again for writing. I look forward to hearing from you again sometime.
Pastor John
* Ye Must Be Born Again – Going to Jesus.com ;