Name: a kashimawo
comments: how can you impact another believers with the gift of tongues? Why is the gift of interpretation of tongue not common in the penticostals churches today? 1corith 14 and 15 explain how the early believer spoke in known tongues, why are we not having such experiences today? i thank God i speak in tongue but i dont understand these heavenly languages. Please teach me how to understand. adedoyin
Dear Brother,
You need not be concerned about how to have an impact with any gift; just seek the Giver. If He gives you a gift, it WILL have an impact.
The real question is, Why are almost none of the gifts of the Spirit in operation among believers today? I believe that, in large measure, it is because we are entangled in anti-christ religion (Christianity) that quenches the Spirit by imposing ceremonies and form on God’s children. I believe that if God’s people would come out of Christianity, the way the Spirit is calling us to do, we would be healed and the Spirit would manifest itself much more than it does now.
No matter what the issues are among the children of God, however, the answer is the same: obey Jesus. Whatever he tells you to do, do it. Keep your conscience clear, and you will recognize the Voice. But pray for a heart to do what it hears the Voice saying.
Pastor John