Hey John,
A question came to mind over the weekend regarding our past works. When we’re born again and our sins are washed away, what happens to the good? works we performed as a sinner? Are they washed away as well? We do have a new past, all things being made new :), but I think we all listened to that little voice that guided and convicted us to do good things for people even as sinners. Thanks.
Jim K
Good works that we may do before being born again are wiped away at our new birth. “All things become new.”
Those good works are rewarded by God in this life (remember Cornelius’ alms?), but our records start out empty when we become “new creatures in Christ”.
Hey again,
I just read 2 Cor, 5:10 and Rev 20: 11-13. (from the tract on “WORKS”). Whatever we have done in this body will be accounted for, good or bad.
But those two verses do not apply to dead men. It is whatever “we” have done, not “they” (those people we once were, before being “baptized into his death”).
Great question.