Ephesians 4:8: “Wherefore it says, “When he ascended on high, he took captivity captive, and he gave gifts to men.”
Bro John,
Is Ephesians 4:8 referring to the moment Paradise was transferred to heaven? Did Jesus lead that captivity (Paradise, the holding place for the righteous dead,) out of the heart of the earth after three days, to be with him in heaven?
That is how it looks to me, Jerry. At the same time, I am acutely aware of the fact that there is much that we still don’t know. I thank God for the wonderful truths He has shown us. In fact, it is because He has taught us so much that you even are able to think about and ask that question! Maybe Jesus will reveal to us more about it. I hope so. Let’s pray for that.
Love you, brother.
Pastor John