It has always been hard to even read the parts of the Old Testament which speak of babies being sacrificed to Baal. In reading about that this morning, I wondered if a correlation could be drawn between sacrificing children to Baal and spiritually new-born “babes in Christ” being killed in the spirit with the false doctrines in Christianity?
Absolutely! In fact, there have been many more new-borns in Christ sacrificed on the altars of Christian sects than there were children offered to Baal and Molech in the Old Testament. How it must hurt the heart of God! The feelings He expressed when Israel sacrificed their children are no doubt magnified now:
“They have built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command, and did not speak, nor did it come into my mind!” (Jer. 19:5).
“You took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to me, and these you sacrificed to [heathen gods], to be eaten! Was your fornication a small thing, that you slaughtered my children and gave them up, making them to pass over the fire for them?” (Ezek. 16:2021).
Yes, Wendell, there is a correlation between the Old Testament sacrifice of children and the New Testament form of it. Peter touches on it in 2Peter 2:18–19, when he describes ministers who are successful in the eyes of men, but who are not sent by God: “Making pretentious, vain speeches [eloquent sermons], they entice . . . those who once had truly escaped from those who live in error, promising them liberty, themselves being servants of corruption in.”
Thanks for the question.
Pastor John