Pastor John,
I have a question for you. Paul said in Romans 8:14, “for as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” I was just thinking that there are probably many of God’s children that are trapped in Christianity. Of course, if they do come out of Christianity they are heeding the call from God to come out. Thus, they are being led by the spirit of God. But, if they don’t come out of Christianity that would imply that they are not being led by the spirit that’s in them. So, I guess my question is, are those that don’t eventually come out of Christianity in their lifetime not going to be saved in the end? Now, I know that God has the ultimate judgment on this, and He only knows their hearts, but it would only seem that they, more than likely, won’t be saved. I suppose if they were ignorant of the truth, then I can see that they would make it as long as they lived a moral life. On the other hand, if they were aware of the truth of God and rejected it, then more than likely they would not be saved in the end.
I also know that a lot of God’s children that are in Christianity believe more in the get saved spirit than the Holy Ghost. They are confused as to when a person is truly born again. Peter even said that they deny the Lord that bought them (that is, deny that you have to have the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues). They believe in the speechless spirit of anti-christ. My question is, if they hold that belief until the end of their lives are they not going to be saved in the end, even though they are ignorant of the truth? There are countless numbers of God’s children that believe that very thing, and it just seems so unimaginable. I personally was liberated when I heard the truth. It did something inside of me. It brought me relief, as I know my search has ended for good! I guess the biggest obstacle to believing the truth of the new birth, which I have experienced with my mother and brother, is pride. I remember in Proverbs, it says that a fool will not receive instruction or be corrected no matter what!
I appreciate all that you do for all of us as we are constantly learning more things. Praise Jesus!
Love in Christ,
Hi David.
Whether or not a believer will be saved if he does not come out of Christianity is beyond me, and beyond us all. That is entirely God’s business. You are seeing it rightly, that everyone’s judgment will depend upon how much truth he knows and how clearly he has heard from God to come out. Only God knows the heart, and He knows it perfectly. As for me, when I heard and understood the wonderful voice of our Shepherd calling me out, my heart rejoiced and I immediately followed him “outside the gate, bearing his reproach.”
David, please note that God’s call to come out of Christianity is followed by God’s reason for us to do so: “so that you will not participate in her sins, and receive of her plagues!” If I had stayed in that abomination after hearing plainly from the Lord, I would have been guilty of partaking of her sins and would have been worthy to receive her awful judgment from God. To what degree that holds true for other believers, I cannot say. Only God can. I can only obey what He lets me know, and I pray that others will do the same.
I am thankful that you heard the call of our heavenly Father and obeyed it. In a mad, wicked world like this one, where so many of God’s dear children are entangled with and devoted to the “Great Whore” of John’s vision, it is no small blessing to hear the tender voice of Jesus saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Praise God for His mercy and goodness to us! May we now walk worthy of it.
Thank you for the question. God bless you and yours.
Pastor John