2 Questions

Hi Pastor John

Couple questions………
How do you know when to speak and when not. I don’t want to cast my pearls before the swine and do not want to be silent and not stand for the truth.


None of us knows when to do anything the right way, including worship God. That’s why we must be led by the Spirit in every circumstance.


Is there a difference between diverse tongues and tongues for interpretation?


There is much that we don’t know about the gifts of God’s Spirit because the saints of God are so divided and confused by Christianity. But it seems clear to me that if one is speaking in a diverse language that is understood by those to whom the message is being given, such as happened on the morning of Pentecost, then no interpreter is needed. But if one is speaking a message to a person or group in a language not known by those listening, then an interpreter would be necessary.


God Bless,


Thanks! and God bless you and yours, too.