Back to the Basics!

Good morning!

You wrote:

Jesus did not invent the idea that those who hear and obey God belong to Jesus’ family; Jesus got that idea from his Father in heaven!

We know how Jesus answered the question, “Who is my family?” Now, how do you answer it?

I read this excerpt from the Random Thought, October 12.  I love this because when Jesus first brought me here to the body, this is exactly how I felt.  It wasn’t manufactured or drummed up; it was what Jesus put in my new heart!  Somewhere along the way, I began to feel like I was taking that too literal, but you know what … I wasn’t.  This is exactly what Jesus put in my heart then and it is still there now.  I text with Ashley for just a minute this morning, and just seeing her name on a message made this feel even sweeter.  Ashley is my sister.

I think I am learning that going back to the basics with Jesus is a wonderful thing!

Beth D.


Amen, Beth!

Never get far from the basics.  There is peace with Jesus in those simple truths of the gospel.

Pastor John