Elihu to Job and Job’s friends video

Pastor John,

I just watched your YouTube video lesson on Elihu reprimanding Job (and Job’s friends) for misunderstanding God.

(Below is the video link, copy/paste in a browser.)

In addition to making the book of Job clear, where it was not for me before, I felt like the video also answered the question as to why Christianity, or any other earthly religious thing offered by men to God, is not acceptable to God.

It goes beyond something being just good or bad—that becomes irrelevant. It is about whether it is of and from men. Men have nothing to offer God (good or bad) except for what He has given them—and for that purpose.

The first 47 minutes of this video answers that question in a way I have not experienced before. It is just wonderful.

Thank you.


* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhJFfcvxHes