Guarding Hearts

Pastor John,

I talked to Jacob this weekend about his progress at his new electrical school. During the conversation he ended up telling me about his very first year in the electrical training program, and the experience he had watching an apparently normal young man leave his wife/fiance, grow his hair out long, and start wearing dresses to class.

He said everyone there had to just act like it wasn’t happening. I was shocked as he told me this, and I felt mortified for him.

But I feel like the Lord taught me something important tonight, as I recalled the conversation:

When this world tries to force a young person to accept and normalize that awful behavior as it sits down beside them, they are not just demanding that the kids hold still and be quiet PHYSICALLY as it gets close to them. They are training the kids spiritually to hold still and not to resist when those spirits come knocking on their heart’s door. The kids are being conditioned not to resist an attack on their hearts. They are being taught to not push those spirits away and speak out.

That is so much more wicked than I had ever imagined.

You told us years ago we better teach our kids who they are, because if we don’t, the spirits of this age are going to. That poor young man in Jacob’s class lost his mind, and Jacob witnessed it. That was a good lesson from Jesus, for Jacob, to guard the hearts of all those God may put in his charge.
