Sunday’s Meeting. John 14:12

Pastor John,

You said something Sunday I have never before heard (taken in). I’m paraphrasing a bit:

“Paul was preaching to people who had the holy Ghost (the mind of Christ). They could understand what Paul was saying.” 

You also pointed out that Jesus told the disciples, “I have things to tell you that you cannot yet bear.” 

Jesus said that because the disciples did not have the mind of Christ to understand Him.

Jesus had absolutely no one on earth who had the mind of Christ to understand him or who could really receive him and what he was doing.

It made me think of John 14:12 (KJV pasted at the bottom)

No wonder Jesus said he would go away but his disciples would do even greater things than him. 

Jesus was constrained (no doubt in his love for Israel) by everyone’s inability to understand him or even bear what He had to say/do without being derailed. 

He had to hold back.

I never considered that verse from John to possibly be pointing to that fact. 



John 14:12:

(King James Version)

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.


We might could continue that last sentence from v14 with “…because I go unto my Father so that He can pour out our glorious kind of life onto you human beings so they can receive what you are about to do!”

Jesus knew he could never do all the good on earth that his faithful followers would do once the sacrifice was completed in heaven and the Spirit of God was poured out on men. 

What an interesting thought.
