Pastor John,
I heard a man tonight say that Catholicism purposely “invented” the religion of Islam with the plan of using it to raise an Arab army to “take back the holy land for the mother church.” He went on to say that Islam outgrew the Catholic’s ability to control it so the plan failed.
I’ve never heard of that. Is that recount of history right?
Thank you,
Hi Jerry.
That sounds far-fetched to me. It sounds like a theory invented by someone who hates Catholicism.
At the same time, we have to ask what difference does it make if that theory is true? When I read the Koran in college, I saw that Muhammed must have been acquainted with the Bible, but his knowledge of it was poor. Some of his facts were wrong. But in the big scheme of things, the origin of the religion changes nothing about the present situation. There are still over a billion Muslims on earth. And Islam still won’t save a soul, no matter how it started.
My personal belief is that God raised up Islam (by whatever means) in order to put a stop to what had been, up to that time, the steady spread of Christianity. It should not surprise us if He used Christians in that process; it was the greatest world power at that time. It might be an interesting historical study to pursue, but it really doesn’t matter, and it feels as if to pursue it much at all would be a waste of time.
I have never heard anyone say that Catholicism starting Islam. So, thanks for that. It’s good to know what’s out there. But I don’t think it is true, and even if it is, it is of very limited value.
Thank you for the question.
Pastor John