Lessons from Chapter 2 of the Father and Son Book

Good morning!

I was reading the Lessons from chapter 2 of the Father and Son book* that you sent out and I had to stop and write how much I love this.  Do you know what I love most, Pastor John?  I love that I know how true it is.

Lesson #25:  The souls of those who possess God’s kind of life have already been delivered from death (Jn. 5:24; 1Jn. 3:14), and the fear of it (Heb. 2:14–15).

In 2011, when Jesus really started changing my heart and my feelings, before I got the holy ghost, he did something really big for me.  I had a terror-like fear of dying.  I used to say it was an unnatural fear, but I feel like it was the most natural thing about me now.  I should have been terrified of death.

One day in 2011, Jesus took me flying with him and he took away that fear of death. In that experience that day, I felt the oneness with him, and he put it in me that I wouldn’t even think of this world or any loved ones when I was with him.  It is hard to describe, but it is just in there now.  And that terrible fear has never been back.

I don’t know what my flesh will feel in that moment, but my spirit still feels what Jesus put in me that day.

At the end of that experience that day, Jesus let go of my hand and dropped me back to earth.  And, oh, how I longed for him.  I did not want to be here.  I wanted to be back with Jesus.  I hurt for weeks after that, and I still think about what it felt like to be with him all the time.

I have told of that experience before, and didn’t write it all out again now because I didn’t want to make this too long for you.  But wow, when I read Lesson #25 and really think about that experience, coupled with the understanding of what it really means to be His and be delivered from death AND the fear of it, the truth of that Lesson takes my breath away.

And number 35, look what Jesus did!  I couldn’t stop sinning.  I wanted to, but I couldn’t be different.  Look what Jesus did!

Lesson #35: In Christ, we are freed from a sinful nature and the curse of death which attends it (Rom. 7:24–25).

I know this may be a bit of a ramble, but it is too good for me not to write you.  You are always the first person I want to share my “isn’t God amazing” moments with. Jesus did that too!

I watched and felt my mama leave this world, and it felt awful.  I also watched and felt Natalie and Lou Lou leave this world, and I feel comfort knowing they are home with Jesus.  It makes me smile to think of them laughing with Jesus and each other.

It makes number 36, even sweeter!

This is good stuff! 

Lesson #36. When our liberty from death is proved in the resurrection, how greatly we will rejoice!

Beth D.

*(The Father and Son book, also known as God Had a Son before Mary Did is currently under revision. The original may be found at the link below.)
