Montanus Reading

I had to stop and get this out before I sanded my next board!  If I don’t, who knows how it will turn out! 

I feel like Jesus dog-eared a page of the Montanus reading in my heart!  Last night when you were talking about God knowing our hearts, and that is why we received His spirit and that is why we are here, I felt like Jesus opened up my rib cage so my heart could fit inside of my chest!  I had the best thoughts come!  And then, they were echoed by page 15.  It was almost more than I could take in.  Look how wonderful this is….even when we don’t know our own hearts are His, God knows.  We do not have to know anything!  God knows. 

Page 15:

“Still, in spite of the centuries-long effort of Christian leaders to snuff out the life of the Spirit –  even after Rome’s power was placed in their hands – the Spirit was never completely quenched. God is too faithful for that, for hungry souls may always find His grace, even if they do not fully understand Paul’s gospel.  We are saved by grace through faith, not by knowledge.”

I will never look at that the same way again.  We are saved not by knowledge, but by the faithfulness of God.  That is what my heart heard.  And not in a weird Christian way of the “get saved” doctrine, but in His way in His Truth! 

And today when we were reading again, all I could think about was how much I love that God has set it up the way He did.  I love that if we are full of Him, we do not fit in the lie of Christianity.  Not in any sect of it!  What a loving safeguard is in place for us, and for any heart God has out there!  I thought, what a mercy and a blessing that the disease of Christianity can’t stand us when we are full of the Spirit.

I thought about how as a child in the Catholic Church, I was taught to not even move unless it was to kneel, sit, or recite at their command, and how beautiful it is that God made sure His holy Ghost will not fit there.  That makes yielding to Him when He moves in us even more beautiful to me.

“Even a fool not err” because God is faithful!

Beth D.

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