Hi Pastor John,
Could you please explain this verse to me in I Corinthians 13:11: “When I was a child, I spake as a child, and I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
I’ve been going through some things that I don’t understand. I’ve been trying to ask the Lord about it. That verse came to my mind. I read the chapter, and it’s talking about charity. I was just wondering if that meant that without charity, you experience feelings and emotions that you shouldn’t, and when you become grown in the Lord you will have perfect charity, which will do away with the feelings that shouldn’t be there. And if so, how do you get to that point?
I have heard some of the broadcasts with you and your dad and wow! …. I wish I could have known him. The way he talks!! It’s simple yet strong, and he seems so humble, but having such authority. When you listen to him, the way of truth seems so simple and easy.
Ok I guess that’s all for now. Thank you Pastor John.
Thank you, Michelle for asking that question, and then answering it for me! I could not have given a better explanation. Let’s all “follow on to know the Lord” together, and pray that he will allow us to attain to the “high calling in Christ Jesus”.
Yes, I know how you feel about the quiet authority in “Preacher Clark”. Everybody who hears him in those old meetings or radio interviews says the same thing. That’s the authority that people must have felt when Jesus spoke. It is not the skilled rhetoric that is gained through seminary training; it is the quiet assurance that comes only when God has actually spoken to a man and that man has obeyed the Voice.
Pastor John