
Pastor John, 

Whew! If these “Remembers” are any indication of what we are in for tonight (and I believe they are), I absolutely can not wait to read part 2 of chapter 5! I am overwhelmed by what I am reading here.

Overwhelmed that Jesus has let us see the truth. Overwhelmed that the gospel of Paul, a gospel that has been rejected by most, is the very gospel we love! If Paul were living now, I believe he would write to you and our congregation here a happy letter. I hope so.  

I also appreciate more than ever why David begged God to incline his heart to Him! Having the spirit does not mean we are automatically going to live righteously. We must stay humble and walk close to Jesus or we can fall into greater transgression. That’s my prayer as I read this. Please incline my heart to you, Jesus. Help me to love and appreciate this truth you’ve shown us! Help me to love others the way you’ve loved me.  

I looked at these pieces of paper I was holding in my hands and just cried. Thanking Jesus for the gold nuggets of truth he has given you for us. It’s so valuable.  

See you soon!!


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