Last night’s reading of the Father and the Son book was enlightening! It changed something in me and opened my eyes to see what God was doing with his servant Job, in the book of Job.
Job was the most righteous man on earth, and yet his righteousness was not enough; it failed in comparison to God’s righteousness. Job was living as righteously as a man could have possibly lived at that time, and God knew it!
He took Job beyond human righteousness, and as you said last night, He rewarded him with a glimpse of His kind of righteousness. It was never a trial of whether Job would fail or not; it was God rewarding Job with something that Job knew nothing about!
I thank God that we are living in this time, after He sent his Son so that we can live in His kind of righteousness, right now on this earth!! I pray to God that I can take it all in and walk in it every day. Thank you John!!