Old Testament and Father & Son Thoughts


I love the consistency and simplicity with God’s law! In the Old Testament class, we have started learning about the law and how most of it was the same before, during, and after the old covenant! It’s so great to know how simple it was/is for God’s people if they followed these laws. (Old Testament Course (Pt. 1) – Going to Jesus.com) Then, during the old and new covenant, He gave us examples in the Bible where He forgave people for disobeying the law because He saw their hearts. God’s order is so perfect! God also put the civil law on hold after the new covenant until we reign with Him again! What a burden it would be right now to try to manage the civil situation just in the US (much less, internationally) with the state of this world and the division among God’s people. It’s another example of God’s mercy towards us.

I went back and listened to the first chapters of The Father and Son readings. One of the things you discussed was the kind of life that each being has.

I was thinking about it in parallel with the reading from Wednesday. Jesus was born biologically to Mary and we were born biologically to parents here. At that point, we were all given a natural human being kind of life. But, then, when the dove descended and Jesus experienced what he called being ‘born again’…that’s what happens to us when we receive the Spirit. THAT’s the birth we need to be celebrating and running with…that’s our family, our feelings, our thoughts. That’s when life really begins!


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