Being a “Help Meet” for a Husband

Good morning Pastor John.

I have been talking to Jesus and “digging my hole” for him to plant truth in.  My new prayer is, “Help me be a help, meet for my husband.”  I found a few things interesting during the dig: 

  • God told Adam not to eat of the tree of life before He created Eve.  I didn’t know that.  Somewhere in my mind, I pictured God gathering them together and laying out the rules.  That is verse 16 &17 of Gen chapter 2.  Then immediately after that, God says it is not good for man to be alone and the next 7 verses are God creating a help meet for Adam.
  • Eve was created after there was not a help meet for Adam found among the animals (Gen. 2:20). 

I tried to look up the Hebrew word and meaning of “help meet” and found ezer kenegdo.  Over and over, I found that dictionaries tried to turn that meaning into something more of “I am woman! Hear me roar,” which is not what God says in

Genesis 3:16.

When it is all said and done, I know in my heart what a “help meet” is.  Not saying I am great at it because I think there is a tendency in women to be a “help-mat” more than a “help-meet”.  It all comes back to the perfect order of God.  If every heart is in its place, then God’s perfect and wise design naturally occurs.

That is the part I love the most.  God really has everything set up so that even “fools shall not err.” It is all perfectly designed for success — if we just live in our places.  There is a lot of love in that!  A lot of love in knowing God wants us to succeed so much that He designed everything so we can. 

God is rooting for us! I love that! 

Beth D.

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