NT Fundamentals

Hi Pastor John:

 I’ve been thinking on the Fundamentals of the NT which you taught us:

 1 – No one knew what God was doing in Jesus

2 – Jesus was born under the Law

3 – Both Jesus and John the Baptist were sent to the Jews only

This was before the Spirit was sent, but would the Fundamentals change now for us after Pentecost?  Could it be “NT Fundamentals after Pentecost”:

 1 – By One Spirit we are baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles

2 – He that endureth until the end shall be saved.

This is just a thought since neither the Son of God nor Spirit-filled people are either Jews or Gentiles.  I’m sure there could be more, but I know you see where I’m coming from.




Hi Billy:

Those two things are true, but I would rather point to Ephesians 4:4-6 as containing the fundamentals of the New Testament after Pentecost.

Pastor John