
Good morning!

I have been listening to the Old Testament classes on YouTube ( and I have very much enjoyed it.  The stories and the abundant amount of truth and love, and then, just listening to us!  I LOVE us!  This morning, I was listening to the class where we went over whether or not the Sabbath Day was moral, ceremonial, or civil.  I remember this so well, just like I was sitting there again.  I love listening to us go back and forth and then laugh at ourselves as we finally come to understand the true answer.  AND your patience with us as we go about it. It makes me thankful to have you, a teacher, to guide us!  Just listening to this one class lets us know we would be easily persuaded or moved or not confident in ourselves.  Thank the Lord for sending us a guide!  No one can understand the Bible and our history without being taught by the anointing of God.  And what a story it is!

I loved listening to us this morning.  “We are characters….”

Amy B.

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