Satan Giving Up His Body

David C. asked a very good question in the meeting last night that I didn’t have an answer for.  His question was something like, “If Satan was so proud of his beautiful heavenly body, why did he abandon it to possess Judas?”  After the meeting, somebody suggested to me that Satan didn’t mind giving up his beautiful body to possess Judas if he thought that he was going to be given an even better body to sit at God’s right hand and reign with him.  That was something that I had not thought about it, and it might explain why Satan was willing to possess Judas.  He knew, of course, that Judas’ body would die at some point.  So, he was thinking either of having another body given to him, or he was thinking that being elevated to sit at God’s right hand was such a great honor that it was worth giving up his beautiful body.  Exactly what he was thinking is one of those things that has not been revealed.

Note: Please add your comments and questions during the meeting when we are discussing the subject.  If you tell no one but me after the meeting, I’m the only one that benefits from it.


Hi Pastor John, 

In giving up his body to possess Judas, Satan could not reoccupy his beautiful heavenly body?  Or could he?  Why could he not just go and repossess his former body?  If he could not, does this mean Satan is now without a body since Judas died and since Satan didn’t get the promotion he anticipated?



It appears that the heavenly beings who possessed men in order to mate with women (Gen. 6), they were not allowed to return to their first bodies (cf. Jude 1:6).  It would be the same for Satan.  He is now, as Peter said, walking about like “a roaring lion”, seeking whom God will allow him to “devour”.  But he is also waiting for that man called “the Beast” to come, so that he might possess him and continue his onslaught against the Jews and those with the Spirit of God (Rev. 12:13–17, where the woman is Israel).

Pastor John

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