Last Night’s Reading on the Temptation of Jesus

Hi Pastor John,

I cannot stop thinking about last night and what we read.  I knew that in this flesh “there is no good thing” but when you said that everything this flesh desires is what Satan desires. That really took my breath away.  My first reaction was, “No!  Everything like Satan really?”  What a sobering, honest truth about us humans.  To let that really sink in gave me a greater understanding of what Jesus has done for us.  He has given us a way of escape from being like Satan.  Jesus has made an escape for us!  An escape from this flesh and a way into His righteousness!  I’m just overwhelmed in the love that I feel every time Jesus gives us a clearer understanding of what he has done.

I went to bed last night so thankful.  Thankful that he chose to put his kind of life in us!  I feel so incredibly blessed and humbled to be able to hear and take in what we have been given!  

Thank you, Pastor John!  I’m thankful for every meal you and Jesus give us!



Hi Michelle.

It is very humbling to be taught by Jesus.  The true knowledge of God does not make us proud; it makes us to know that we are hopelessly lost without God’s mercy!

I don’t remember saying that everything the flesh wants is what Satan wants.  I apologize for leaving that impression.  Satan is a very orderly being, Jesus said, and I am sure that he often has as hard a time getting people to do his will as Jesus does.  Rioters, vandals, drunkards, druggies, and other such people are contemptible to Satan, and his ministers often rail against sinners like that.

Still, as you said, it is eye-opening and very humbling to realize how much our human nature agrees with how Satan thinks.  Our hope of escape from that fallen nature is God’s mercy, and whoever realizes that is blessed.

“The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, those who hope in His mercy.”

Psalm 147:11

Pastor John

God Had a Son, 15 PDF

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