The Harlot

Hey Pastor John,

Who do Christian ministers say the Great Whore in Revelation is?



Hi Michelle.

It will depend on which Christian minister you ask.  Pentecostal ministers used to teach that the Great Whore was the Catholic Church, and I feel sure that some still do.  But I am out of the loop with that now.

One thing is certain, though.  It would be hard to find a Christian who would state the obvious, the Great Whore and her harlots daughters are the religious system called Christianity.

Thank you for the question.

Pastor John


Pastor John,

I remember growing up hearing Pentecostal ministers saying it was the Catholic Church but I don’t think I’ve ever heard what any other denominational minister would say it is.  

I was reading the Random Thought last night about “coming out of her”.  I had the thought, how sad it is that God’s children are running into that institution (Harlot) thinking they are running into safety but in the end it will be destroyed.  They just need to run to Jesus and they can find him on their knees, not in an institution.  In him is our safe hiding place.  



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