Thousand-year Reign

Hi Pastor John,

Referring back to Aunt Barbara’s question about when the old covenant believers will receive the Holy Ghost, there was a discussion a few weeks back about two excerpts in the Bible where it alluded to us doing animal sacrifices again during the thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth.  We all agreed that the timing didn’t make sense for doing this again, but I cannot find the verses that were being discussed.

I was wondering if we’re all going to experience each other’s covenants together at some point.



The verses about ceremonial worship during the Millennial Reign are all in the prophets, and they are still puzzling to me.  I cannot answer your question because of that.  I will say, though, that (1) I cannot fathom why we would revert to ceremonial worship after Jesus returns and (2) my inability to fathom it is irrelevant; God does what He does no matter what we poor humans think.

Thank you for the question.  I wish I could give you a better answer.

Pastor John

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