Everyone is Thanking God for What They are Doing

Pastor John,

This morning, I was considering how the whole world is thanking God for the things it is accomplishing in their God’s name, no matter what it is. 

The disciples were thanking God for Jesus’s presence on earth, while many of Israel’s elders, scribes, Pharisees, and others were thanking God for Jesus’s execution!

It is just how you said Preacher Clark described it: “Everything you believe could be a lie…for all you know!”  And it may well be a lie if Jesus hasn’t revealed it.  And even then, it doesn’t have to be truth because he can send a delusion! (1Kings 22:21-23)

It made me tremble this morning when I felt how I cannot know truth unless He reveals it to me.  I cannot be free from lies unless He frees me.  We are born into the lie that this world celebrates every day, namely, life in sin is life at all.  We have to be rescued or there is no getting out.

No one, absolutely no one, figures out what is right – because nothing under the sun is right.  There is only Jesus and what of him is being revealed to us by the Father right now.  Whew!

It is both fearful and wonderful.


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