The Magi

Pastor John,

Were the Magi who came to see the baby Jesus Jews?



Hi Wendell,

There is nothing in the Bible which indicates the Magi were Jews.  Some who lived in Mesopotamia were well-known observers of the skies, as far back as Babylonian times.  So, to have Magi observing the stars and determining that a king had been born in Israel fits that narrative.  The real question is, what did the Magi see in the heavens that let them know a king had been born?  And why did they even make that long journey to honor him?  Kings’ sons were being born all the time.  Did they travel to other countries as well?  If not, maybe they were indeed Jews who had learned from the heathen in Mesopotamia how to read the stars.

There is much more that we do not know (about anything, really) than there is that we know.  So, let’s stay thankful for what God has revealed.  He did not have to do it; He just wanted to because He loved us.

Pastor John

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