God’s Patience

Hi Pastor John,

We read the Random Thought 11-23, “Your Vision or God’s?” (Going to Jesus.com – Your Vision or God’s?)

Your testimony is beautiful. I loved this part: 

“The secret of God is with the humble! It is with the bruised and battered, and with those who are so beaten down by this life that they are not just willing for God to have His way but they are begging God to have His way. God’s secret is with those who have discovered how desperately needy they are and who are seeking Him and His will for them, the way some men pursue gold. The old song tells the truth: “He will not walk with the proud or the scornful.”

That resonated with me because that was how I felt before God changed my life! I was completely finished with everything that wasn’t of God, it was like I was begging for Him to take over. It brings you to tears to consider how patient God was with me (and many others)…years, decades…that he waited for us to be willing to repent and have a clear conscience to walk with Him. I have always struggled with having patience. But, when I think about the patience that Jesus had with me, it makes me want to pray that I have that kind of patience with any of God’s people. If someone has to go through a trial over and over again for years to get the gold out of it, it’s worth everything for them to be free in Jesus and to save their soul in the end. It’s like you said, if Jesus isn’t finished with someone, we cannot be either! 

I pray that I can help the body with the patience and love of God and not fall under a form of being right.


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