Jesus Hidden in a Good Way

Pastor John,

I had the thought today that the religion of Christianity has kept Jesus hidden from this world—in a good way.

If the only people in all the world declaring to belong to Jesus were spirit-filled saints full of the power of God, it would bring the wrath of the world and all its strange spirits down on the saints of God quickly.  But instead, the loudest voice has been Christianity, which has given evil people in this world little to worry about in the way of being an obstacle to their sin or rendering righteous judgment.  Christianity’s voice has been much louder than the voice of holiness folk, and it has caused evil people in this world not to look too closely at holiness people as representatives of Jesus.  That has kept God’s holy-ghost filled saints safe.  And because the loudest voice is a divided and powerless institution, that has caused evil people in the world not to take Jesus too seriously, overall.  So Christianity has fulfilled a very important purpose there.

Is that right?

Thank you.



Yes, it is.  My father often said that Christianity functioned for God’s saints the same way the Outer Banks of North Carolina, protecting the mainland from the harshness of the ocean’s waves and storms.  Christianity is there, claiming to represent Christ, but dealing with governments and cultures so that those governments and cultures don’t come crashing down on us.

Pastor John

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