john how ya been going well here. But i do have a question that i dont quite understand. i ran into [a man] at the IGA grocery store and we got talking about god and he made a statement that i just dont understand. i been thinking about it and i didnt take the time to discuss it. he made this statement. he said that “we are one with the angels, just as we are one with christ” what could he mean by this becouse i never herd this before. I do know that he said it came from god and that he was adding it to his book that he is writing, titled “YOU STARTED AS A SPIRIT” he showed me a couple of pages of this book, And it is dinamick. if you could give me some feed back of what i should think about this.
Wendell P
Hi Brother Wendell!
I hope that you and your family are well and happy. Since the night you received the baptism of the Spirit here in my home a few years ago, we haven’t seen each other much, but if we both walk in the Spirit with Jesus, wherever we are, we are together in the way that counts most.
If the man you met at IGA said the things you tell me he said, he is badly mistaken. We who have the Spirit are one with Christ because he has given us the same kind of life that the Father gave him. No other life forms on earth or in heaven, including angels, possess God’s kind of life. God’s kind of life is called in the New Testament, “the holy Spirit” or “the holy Ghost”. Jesus suffered and died so that we might have that kind of eternal life, which was in the Father and which He gave to His Son before the world began, and which, because of Jesus, the Father poured out on men on the day of Pentecost. No one, Wendell, has the Father’s kind of life except His children, and angels are not His children. That is why we are a mystery to the angels. Peter said in his first letter that the angels “desire to look into” the things we have from God (1Pet. 1:!2)
I hope that helps.
Pastor John