Preacher Clark

Quick question: I have forgotten. . . What year did your father go to sleep in the Lord?
April 20, 1989

2nd question: Was he present when you received the “all things” message from the holy ghost in 1981? Did he agree with you on that?
100%. He was thrilled with it. Have you not read his tracts, “All Things” (which he wrote at least 20 years before I received that word from God), “Trials Are Opportunities”, and “Christian Suffering”? They were all written long before I was taught by Jesus on the subject, and they are perfectly in line with the scriptures and the truth. We all read those three tracts together after Jesus spoke to me, one a week for three weeks, and even my father could hardly believe that he had written those tracts before the Lord gave us the understanding that he gave us in 1981.

I am asking this because I just recently read a tract on the site : Renewed Strength. In it, GCC repeatedly claims that the devil is responsible for afflicting people with sickness and sin, so that must have been his “Christian” viewpoint up until you received the “all things” message, correct?
I wouldn’t say that. Even Jesus said, at times, that the devil had afflicted people (Lk. 13:16). There is a time for expressing the truth in a way that is different from the norm. The point of the tract, “Renewed Strength” is to communicate to the readers that God wants to heal them — and that fact holds true whether the speaker says God is responsible for the affliction or not. I recall the verse from Hosea that says, “God has torn, and He will heal us; He has smitten, and He will bind us up.”

When was that tract written?

Sometime in the early 1960’s, I would guess.
Pastor John