Daily “Pearls of Wisdom” – July 14, 2011

Pearl 071412

Hey Daddy… How does the July 14 Pearl apply to ppl like Oral Roberts? He was known & loved by a lot of ppl worldwide, although many others may not have liked him. Did Grandaddy mean “popular” as in with pop culture? Or did he mean “right with God” as in specifically knowing the truth about New Birth, etc?



Yes, it applies. Brother Roberts was hated and ridiculed by many, many people during his lifetime. He did not really have much favor among most Christians, even though he tried to please them. He was expelled by the leaders of the Methodist sect even though he abandoned the Pentecostal sect to join them.

Brother Roberts tried to be a good Christian, to teach Christian doctrine and observe Christian traditions, and he made a valiant effort, but he just had too much of God in him to really fit in with most Christians.
