Pastor Johns House Website

Name: Bishop George M.

comments: 1.How many leaders call by God agree with your teaching?

Very few that I know of. There is a question, however, that reveals an even more significant problem in the body of Christ: How many “leaders called of God” agree on any doctrine? The body of Christ on earth is in a divided mess. The truth that I am teaching can heal the body, and I hope that it will one day heal the division that seems to exists between us.

2. How can you teach and believe in tithes and not accept water baptism?
The doctrine concerning tithes and offerings as opposed to dead ceremonies such as water baptism can be found here. Your answer is found there:

Tithes and Offerings:


( I know water does not save , but isn’t it our public confession of identifying with Christ

No. It is a public confession of ignorance. The only acceptable “public confession” of Christ is Christ- like conduct.

3. You say you are not a Christian, Then you are not Christ like right?

I hope Jesus sees me as living a Christ-like life, and you, too. Part of my effort to be Christ-like is to obey his voice and come out of Christianity – and not be a Christian because Christ himself is not one.

The bible says the the apostles were called Christians first at Antioch


Yes, it does. But it does not tell us who called them that. Whoever it was, it was not the apostles. They would have never made such a claim. Somebody else did it to them: “they were called”, not “they called themselves”.

4. Jesus condemned no one even the those whom were wrong,

I don’t know which Bible you have been reading, but the Bible I read tells me he condemned a bunch of people, calling them “sons of the devil”, liars” etc. Please stop resisting the truth. I have seen people lose their minds trying to oppose it. You know better than to say such a thing. Please do not push Jesus too far.

you seem to think you can not go wrong

I can assure you that such is not the case.

do you believe you are the only one right and everybody else has it wrong?

Not at all. I believe God is right, and everybody else, except Jesus, has it wrong. I trust only his doctrine, his baptism, and his spirit. I hope that we can at least agree that neither you nor I am right. Only The Father and the Son. Then, we can begin to walk together in their light instead of a doctrine, a baptism, and a spirit that came to us from someone else.

Thanks for your time look forward to hearing from you
The last time I asked question you never posted to the site to give others a chance to see are you afraid to let them see the questions asked?


I am sorry. I don’t remember that. If possible, you can re-send those questions to me, and I will answer them as best I can.

Pastor John


Bless you, Bro John….and sometimes we get it coming and going.

When you said to this person about agreeing at least on the fundamentals of HIS doctrines, baptism and spirit, I saw this: HIM being baptized in the the river Jordan. Such joy our Father must’ve had toward Him at that moment. And we get a glimpse of this when HE spoke and said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

HIS grace and peace to you and yours,


Hi Sister Rita. Good to hear from you.

Jesus’ baptism is not the one he received at the Jordan. That was John’s. Maybe if we used another example, what I teach will be made clearer: Jesus’ circumcision is not the one his human body received when he was eight days old. Jesus’ circumcision, baptism, communion — everything in his kingdom — is in the Spirit, not in the flesh.

Yes, the Father must have been very happy with His Son at the Jordan. But then, can you think of a time when the Father was not happy with him? The Son always did what pleased the Father.

Hope that helps.

Pastor John