Zechariah 14:2, 5:11


Is there any reason to believe the term all nations in Zechariah 14:2 would exclude any nation? Somehow, I had always missed it said all nations.


The whole world will turn against the Jewish nation before the return of the Lord Jesus to reign on earth a thousand years. The man called “the beast” will lead the armies of the nations against Israel, and except for the intervention of Jesus, he will succeed in annihilating them. In those verses from Zechariah, “all the nations” means all the nations of this world.


Also is my memory correct Zechariah 5:11 refers to Babylon (Christianity)?



Yes, the woman sitting in the midst of that ephah is the “great whore” that sits on the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17-18, which is the vain religious system called Christianity.
