Name: Jefferson

comments: Hello, Pastor John my question is after recieving the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues, do you need to keep speaking in tongues after ?


Hi Jeff.

According to Paul in Romans 8, we very much need the Spirit to pray through us for things we do not know how to pray about. So, to answer your question, yes.

Under normal conditions, the Spirit continues to praise God and pray through the person it baptizes. However, I know of some people who have not had this happen, and the Spirit ceased to speak through them after they received it. In one case, the man is old now, and it has never spoken through him since that day, over forty years now. In another, the Spirit was silent for a couple of years afterward. In both those cases, the people involved began quarreling with others over doctrine as soon as they received the holy ghost, and I have always wondered if that was the reason the Spirit went silent. But I assume that the Spirit can be quenched by several things. Whatever causes there may be, they are all summed up by what Paul called “the flesh”. Stay in the Spirit, and it will continue to work through you.

Many times, the Spirit is quenched because the newly-converted person has joined himself to a church that quenches the Spirit. Steer clear of church religion, and you will avoid the most dangerous of all the things that quench the Spirit.

Pastor John