It has taken me 2 hours to read 8 pages of your manuscript on the father and the Son. . .because it is so GOOD. . . stopping to re-read, reflect, praise God. . examine scripture. . . and digest the concepts.
My favorite line so far is: “Our eternal destiny does not depend so much on what we think is true, but on who we think is true.”
When i read that, I can’t help but smile and feel the love of Jesus proclaiming that invaluable truth.
A question popped into my head. . .
I have often heard unrepentant sinners make the statement that everyone is a child of God; everyone on earth.
Well, “yes and no” is my answer.
All people are created by Jesus, and are essentially/fundamentally “children” of God, . . . but God’s true children are they who receive His Spirit and walk in righteousness and obedience; correct?
To attempt to clarify the answer is to present myself and other “born-again” individuals as special, or chosen, and exclusive. And that angers sinners. It compels them to mock the truth of God and the people of God, with an indignant attitude: “Oh, so you think God thinks you’re better than me, huh?!”
Is there an easier, more courteous way to explain this concept of who is really a “child of God”? Or should I just brace myself for instant persecution in such cases? ;^)
Just brace yourself, dear Brother Brad. You and all God’s true children are “special and chosen”, whether that sounds good to those around you or not, and God is extremely exclusive (without apology) when it comes to membership in the body of His Son. Nobody gets in without being called (read, “invited”) and then repenting of sin. I know that you try very hard to testify to these things without being offensive, and that is good on your part. But the gospel is what it is, and the world will never like it the way it is. The world would rather alter the message just enough to make it fashionable. Don’t fall for that. Jesus was born in a barn, and religious people have been trying to get him to check into the Ritz-Carlton ever since.