Another web site comment.
Having read the article on tithe ,whilst I fully agree with it,my wife and I are unable to pay a full 10%, because all my pensions come from the UK, and my wife is disabled and not able to work. Recently the pound has gone down so much we are unable to pay the tithe, otherwise we would not be able to pay the Bills, in fact we cannot do it now, but the creditors are so good, and prepared to wait.
It does concern us that we cannot pay tithe and would only be happy if we were able to. Can we pay a smaller amount than 10%, for the time being.? Perhaps you have some ideas on what we can do to satisfy God and not be accused of covetness. Looking forward to hearing from you.
God be with you
John G
Dear John,
Thank you for your question. It is one that many people have.
First, your letter seemed to suggest that you have thoughts of sending me a donation, but please understand that I do not accept any money from anyone outside the congregation that the Lord has given me here. I emphasize that fact so that my answer can in no way be taken as self-serving.
As for me, personally, I would render my tithes and offering to God before I bought food to eat, if it ever came to that (and in years past, it has not been too far from it). That is how important a matter this is. The publication of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ is more important than my comfort, my security, and my life. However, part of the true fast which God has ordained is to “let the oppressed go free” (Isa. 58:6), which is a phrase which means that the ministers of Christ have the authority to release certain people from the obligation to render to God His tithes and offerings if they are “oppressed”. The word “oppressed” in the Bible is very frequently associated with finances, and when certain people here have found themselves oppressed by evil persons, often in conjunction with the courts, because of their love for the truth, I have released them from bringing tithes and offerings to me until Jesus got them back up on their feet, financially. Some have refused to be “free” and have brought God His tithes and offerings in spite of their difficult circumstances, and I respected their choice to do that. On the other hand, others have taken advantage of the opportunity Jesus gave them to pay off things such as debts dumped on them by unfaithful or vindictive spouses.
Since I am not your pastor, and I do not know what your situation is, I cannot comment specifically on it. The above explanation, however, will give you a clear picture, both of how important tithing is, and of how merciful and good God’s ways are. he is not an oppressor.
Hope that helps.
Pastor John
Dear Pastor John,
Thank you very much for your letter, it was helpful, but has also got me confused, because if we pay tithe at the moment, we will not be able to pay for our wood for the winter. The situation should change in November, when we get more OAS, and with a struggle we should be able to pay it. I take it that you are not in favour of paying a proportion of the tithe until we can pay the full amount.
God be with you
Greetings again.
Life is filled with all sorts of situations, and nuances of them all. No one answer will fit them all. That is why we so much needed the Spirit of God within us instead of a law written in a scroll. The Spirit will guide you into all truth. As you seek the will of God for your particular situation, let me encourage you not to be anxious about it. Trust God. He loves you and is standing ready to help, not to destroy. Also, pray not to fear to do what he says. As Mary told the servants at the wedding in Cana, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” You will be glad you did.
Your servant,
Pastor John
This email correspondence reminds me of my financial situation when my brother Richard moved out. I looked at my finances & knew my savings were the only way I could afford the newly purchased car with all the other expenses. I remember feeling nervous & unsure of how it would work out.
But the Lord worked it out so that not only could I afford everything, but I could also afford an extra car payment every month. I had some trying months (I had over $5,000 of unexpected expenses–IRS debt & work on the house), but “God’s economy” is amazing, & I never missed paying my tithes & offerings or paying extra on the car.
I pray to continue to be reminded of how blessed I really am (& have been).
This email reminded me of a time soon after meeting John. I was explaining my financial situation to him about how I could not afford to pay full tithes as I was barely able to make ends meet after separating from my first wife. I was then having to live on one income when I was just getting by having two incomes when I was married. He told me that he would never place hinself into a situation where he could not pay his tithes. Although by doing the math there was no way I could tithe and pay my bills, I decided to start paying my tithes. That was over 20 years ago and I have always been able to pay not only my tithes but my offerings as well. And the Lord has blessed me far beyond just being able to pay my tithes. I know that all of my wealth is given to me by God. He just wants me to place my trust in him. Thank you Jesus.